Other than trimming off the bottom of the arm post tenons, all that remained to complete the Continuous Arm Rocker for Christmas, was sand it and paint it. I was sure I had done a good job cleaning up after the various glue ups from the build. But Milk paint doesn't stick to hide glue for very long, even if you do use the bonding agent.
Soon after getting into chair making, and being warned about the perils of leaving glue residue on painted chairs, two thoughts occurred to me.
First: hide glue is mostly protein. Second: protein glows under UV light.

So, after a quick search online, I ordered this small UV flashlight. It certainly made my life easier when it came time for the final cleanup before finishing.
In the case of the Christmas Rocker, it saved my butt. I was just about to put the first coat of paint on, when I remembered the UV light. And I discovered just how poorly I had done cleaning up during the build.
Below is a gallery showing all the areas I missed when I was building the chair. I must have really been in a hurry to get this thing together.

You don't have to save the black light for chair making. It's helpful for cleanup anytime you're using a protein based glue. Just don't do your paint prep in a hotel room.
Great tip! Just ordered one.